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Topics related to geometry, meshing, and CAD.

Problem with contacts/joints

    • Mateusz Sandrzyk

      Hi everyone,

      I am doing a project related to a snowboard binding. I created such model:

      Basically, how the mechanism works, whenever you apply a force, let's say on toes or heels the whole binding (grey element) rotates to that direction thanks to the yellow and blue element. I thought that creating a revolute joint connection would be obligatory, so I made one where the surfaces connect

      I applied Fixed Support to the bottom of the snowboard, force to the highback. Other than that, 4 pads and yellow element are bonded with the snowboard. My results aren't really convincing. I can't see the rotation of my mechanism and I have 0 deformations and stresses on  a snowboard. I don't know whether my boundary connection or contacts/joints are defined correctly. Would love if someone could help!


      Best regards!

    • Aniket
      Forum Moderator

      can you explain a bit more about what you mean by results are not convincing? Have you tried inserting a contact tool in the result and analyizing contact behavior? 

      If you have not gone already, I would recommend the following two courses:

      Contact Mechanics  /courses/index.php/courses/contact-mechanics/
      Fundamental Topics in Contact /courses/index.php/courses/fundamental-topics-in-contact/

      The first course delves into the study of the mechanical interaction of structures at their surfaces, which is essential in many applications. It covers the mechanism of contact problems, the physics of contact, and how it is captured in numerical models. The course also discusses the right contact formulation for each problem and provides several practical applications where contact models are pivotal.

      The second course discusses a few fundamental topics in contact and demonstrates the use of Ansys Mechanical software in modeling contact. It provides various examples to demonstrate the designation of contact and target sides when parts with different mesh sizes, different geometries, or different material stiffnesses encounter one another.

      Please note that these courses are available online and you can access them through the provided links.


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    • Mateusz Sandrzyk


      I tried running 2D analysis so far for simplification. The reason I said my results aren't convincing is because there is a huge penetration in my analysis. Deformations are also really big, not sure why and my results on the snowboard are equal to 0, as if the force didn't translate to it. I have seen the courses you sent me, I tried playing with contacts, boundary conditions etc. but nothing seems to work. I created contacts with these things in mind: less stiff material is a contact body, contact areas are meshed fine, contact type: bonded. I don't know how to improve my model in order to get more realistic results


    • Aniket
      Forum Moderator

      What is the deformation scale? It seems the deformation scale is set to auto. Can you set it to true scale and if that shows it correctly.


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      • Mateusz Sandrzyk

        I found out that when I change the thickness of my elements my results change, which is werid because my 2D behavior is set as Plane Stress

    • Mateusz Sandrzyk

      It has already been selected as True Scale. I tried reducing the force a bit to see what happens, but still much happening on the snowboard

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