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Problem in structured mesh

    • N. M.

      Hello Everyone.
      I am trying to build a structured mesh of a parallelepiped-shaped environment, with a 0.1 mm diameter hole on one of its faces, from which hidrogen enters environment. A conical zone develops within the environment to more accurately model the environment in which the hydrogen is released. On the opposite face therefore there is another circular face, but of a higher diameter. As you can see in the first attached figure, the software does not generate a regular mesh on one surface. I am using edge sizing and face meshing, and the correct result is visible on the other faces. In the second attached figure you can see the entire environment.

      I don’t understand why the problem occurs. What could it depend on?

      I could solve it by splitting the face in question in half and adding an additional edge size, but I’d prefer to avoid that.


      Thank you 😀



    • Keyur Kanade
      Ansys Employee

      Yes, splitting face and adding edge is the solution. 

      Please check geometry in SpaceClaim. 
      Select geometry in structure tree --> Use right click --> Select Check Geometry. (Or Tools - Fault Detection in DM)
      The geometry should be error free to proceed. 
      If geometry has any errors, please modify/recreate geometry at those places. 


      Please go through help manual for more details 

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      • N. M.

        Hello Keyur,

        thank you for you help.
        I tried splitting the face, but the problem persists.

        I will try checking the geometry with SpaceClaim.
        Does SpaceClaim provide information that DesignModeler does not?

        Thank you. 

    • Keyur Kanade
      Ansys Employee

      Both geometry tools are different. DM works on parasolid kernel and SpaceClaim works on ACIS kernel. So geometry is defined/ represented differently. So you may find more information about errors, if any, with SpaceClaim. 

      Please go through help manual for more details 
      How to access Ansys Online Help Document
      Guidelines on the Student Community
      Fluids Engineering Courses | Ansys Innovation Courses

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