General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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PRNSOL issue

    • Ahmed Abdelgawad

      Goodday everyone,
      I am really new to Workbench,
      but is this the right way to get Stress components in a .str file.
      because i don't get any output or may be i don;t know where I can get it. 
      Thank you in advance. 



    • Ahmed Abdelgawad

      I tried this and got "The requested S data is not available.  The PRNSOL command is ignored" and tried 
      And this solution /forum/forums/topic/the-requested-s-data-is-not-available-the-plnsol-command-is-ignored/

      and it doesn't work as well 

    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee




      Not sure why you need this since all of the results are there and can be copied to a file from Mechanical via Export (say right mouse button click on Equivalent Stress and choose export).

      Make sure in Output control (analysis settings) Stresses are set to YES then in the commands add:



      That works fine.

      All the best



    • Ahmed Abdelgawad

      Thank you so much for your help.
      I just need to get all the stress components in one file. 
      however the propsoed solution didnot work and give the same error. 

    • Ahmed Abdelgawad

      I'm sorry and please excuse my ignorance, 
      What does .str file contains. 
      I need this format to be used in Franc3d software, as I can get all the stress components along with node number and location from ansys WB but the software accepts only .str extension. 

    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee


      The way mentioned is still much easier and better then to use this command as this will dump lots of other stuff in the solve.out. Below is the print from prnsol (lots of different things come in there which we do not want):

      reactionharmdpf–Static Structural (A5)                                       



        ***** POST1 NODAL STRESS LISTING *****                                       


        LOAD STEP=     1  SUBSTEP=     1                                             

         TIME=    1.0000      LOAD CASE=   0                                         




          NODE     SX           SY           SZ           SXY          SYZ          SXZ     

           504  -454.56      -204.89     -0.10090E+006 -124.28       123.38       65.861     

           505   1002.6       531.26     -0.10191E+006  220.84      -704.70      -166.14 


      Hence we should do it in a clean way and without this additional text that comes when using prnsol which is an apdl command.

      So create 6 results for normal stresses (X,Y,Z), and shear (XY,etc.), and use the export option to get 6 files, and then copy and paste all of these into one file.

      We can automate the above with mech scripting. If one copies the script from the link below, and pastes it into the mechanical script console, it will create all the 6 files in a nice text format and also one single file with all 6 stresses (since as you said you want: “I just need to get all the stress components in one file”): 

      To see how to use the script console see here:


      All the best 


    • Ahmed Abdelgawad

      Thank you so much for your patience, 
      But what does .STR file contain exactly. 
      if it is a text file as in .inp files I can do it manually as I have all the stress components already in Excel file. 

    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee


      See here on how to export the data in a structured way into 6 separate files and into one single file:

      As this is or might be useful to others we are closing this topic so they can view this solution in an easy way.

      All the best



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