General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Possibility to make Deformation along Length of a beam graph?

    • loant22


      is there a way to plot total deformation on y-axis and the length of a deformed beam of the x-axis in Static Structural? I used the path function snapped to mesh nodes to successfully plot normal stress against the beam length, and I would need a similar graph for the total deformation. The only posts I have found either discuss Force/Deformation graphs which is not what I'm looking for, or inserting an equation to create a similar graph, but I would need a graph based on the simulated total deformation.

      Many thanks to whoever would be able to point me in right direction!

    • Deepak
      Ansys Employee


      You can construct a path along the length of the beam, and then the scope total deformation to that path.

      then use 'Chart' to plot the total deformation along the axial distance:


      Refer link: 


      19.2.3. Chart and Table

      Making Charts and Tables in ANSYS Mechanical - PADT


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