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Plotting torque vs velocity profile of a magnetorheological rotary damper

    • shantashreejena97


      I am simulating a rotary damper with magnetorheological fluid in Fluent to know the relationship between the torque generated and the rotational velocity of the rotor. I have made a fluid domain in the gap between the rotor and the cylinder and assigned the fluid properties (density, viscosity). As a boundary condition, I have assigned the frame motion cell zone condition to the rotor with a rotational velocity of 6.5 rad/s in the y direction. I have also assigned no-slip condition to the wall of the fluid domain. When I am trying to calculate the moment for the rotor in the y direction it is coming out as 0. Could anyone help me solve how to calculate the torque using these boundary conditions to plot a graph between torque vs velocity?


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      How does the flow field look? Getting precisely zero generally means something isn't moving. 

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