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Plot Antenna Power vs Distance

    • mitchell.payn


      I am using HFSS to design a dipole antenna. From what I can see so far, all the plots are dB vs theta or dB vs frequency. 

      I am looking to plot mag vs distance (mm) OR power (watts) vs distance (mm) in order to determine how far an antenna could possible transmitt a signal under water. I am currently at the point of using the HFSS wizard to create the dipole antenna and then simply analysed the auto generated result plots. 

      Is anyone able to help?

    • AncS
      Ansys Employee


      Hello Mitchell,

      You can follow these steps to plot mag vs distance:

      1. Draw a non-model line of the desired length pointing away from the dipole antenna outside the simulation box.
      2. Add a near field line setup using this line.
      3. Create the near field report using the rectangular plot. In the report dialog window, under Category, choose the desired option (near E or Near Poynting) and click New Report.
      4. You will get the desired quantity vs normalized distance plot.


      Hope this will help you.




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