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Photonics – Korean

Photonics – Korean

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Plane Wave Source 위치 이동 불가능한 버그


    • Byeong Je Jeon

      FDTD 최신 버전 (2024R2) 에서 아래와 같이 edit창에서 plane wave source 위치를 이동시키기 위해 값을 입력해도 값이 제대로 입력되지 않는 현상이 발생하고 있습니다.

      스크립트의 set을 활용한 위치 이동은 가능합니다. plane wave source말고 Gaussian같은 source는 기존처럼 잘 편집됩니다.



      숫자를 바꿔도 edit창의 빈 곳 아무데나 클릭하면 다시 원래 값으로 돌아옵니다. 

    • Guilin Sun
      Ansys Employee

      This source is independent or inside a group or "model"? I guess there is some script that controls the z location of the source. To verify, you can create a new project file and check if this happens again.

      If there is script in analysis group or model to control its z, please check the script. If you want it to be parameterize it , you can add a new variable and similarly to set its z location. Anytime you change the variable value the source location will be changed.



    • Byeong Je Jeon

      Thank you for your response. However, we are already fully aware of the points you mentioned, and this issue is unrelated to those points. Even after creating a completely new .fsp file and placing only the plane wave source, the same issue occurs. This issue does not seem to occur with other sources (e.g., Gaussian), but only with the plane wave source. I have attached a GIF file below (I hope it can be seen well in the video).

    • Guilin Sun
      Ansys Employee

      For plane wave source, in order to prevent from accidently smaller source size than the simulation region (device period in most cases), the software automatically adjusts the plane wave spans to be larger than simulation region. When there is no FDTD added, I believe it has an internal default size, such as adding a certain length to the spans.

      In summary, one should avoid to modify the plane wave spans. In a few cases if you really want to use limited plane wave size, please use "diffraction plane wave". Please note that in such case the source will have strong diffraction as the wavefront is limited in size. In theory, the wavefront of the plane wave should not be blocked by any means. Only the periodic-type boundary conditions can allow this, eg, mimic the plane wave as uninterrupted.  

    • Byeong Je Jeon

      Thank you for your response. However, I believe this is a different issue from what you mentioned.

      I have been using FDTD consistently since the 2019 version, and this issue suddenly occurred after upgrading to the 2024R2 version. As mentioned in the subject, this seems to be a bug.

      Even when trying to change the position of the source in the example linked below, the problem persists.


      When I attempt to change the z position of the source from the original 3.8 um to 3 um, the edit window does not properly accept the input due to the bug. However, when using scripts to make the change, it works correctly.

      I would like to reiterate that this seems to be a bug. Not only am I experiencing this issue, but people around me are also encountering it after the version upgrade.

    • Guilin Sun
      Ansys Employee

      Thank you for pointing out this. It is indeed a bug and I will report it today.

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