General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Phase in frequency domain analysis in AQWA

    • r.abbasi

      I have analyzed two connected bodies with a hinge in AQWA and conducted a frequency domain analysis. Besides their Pitch RAO, I also need the phase information. Could you please let me know in which file I can find it?

      I searched in the FREQUENCY.LIS file, but it didn’t mention the structure numbers.

      (for clarification I have attached RAO's and phases that I mean)

      Thank you.

    • Shuangxing Du
      Ansys Employee

      Yes, the RAO amplitude and phase at the specified wave direction (main direction by default) including connection effects can be found in FREQUENCY.LIS file. As shown below

      the first line of each frequency set lists the RAOs of the first structure, followed by other structures.

    • r.abbasi

      Thanks for that. When I run the new setup on both the current and previous setups, once it is successfully completed, will the new Freq.lis file be replaced, or do I need to close and save the setup at the end?

    • Shuangxing Du
      Ansys Employee

      Once you have run the current setup, the current results will overwrite the previous ones in your project folder.  However, your previous results are temporarily stored in the backup folder. When you exit Workbench, the window below will pop-up, and if you clcik on "No" to not save your current project, the previous setup will be restored into your project folder.

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