General Mechanical

General Mechanical

Topics related to Mechanical Enterprise, Motion, Additive Print and more.

Penetration between differents sections of the same part

    • Basile


      New Ansys user here. I'm trying to simulate a spring suspension under radial & axial load and i have a problem. The spring turns don't have a physic between them, so I have turns that penetrate themselves :

      I had a solution to divide each turns into differents parts and apply connection between them. Do you have another more simple solution to enable connexions whitin the same part ?


      Thanks for your time,


    • Harshvardhan
      Ansys Employee

      You can define contacts between the coils selecting the surfaces as both targert and contact. However, there is a KM that suggests that while the coiled surface can be modelled as a contact and target, it is better to have the spring sliced into multiple parts.

      For a helical spring should the whole coiled surface be defined as contact and target? | Ansys Knowledge

      I hope this helps.

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