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pathline seed control

    • ll00023

      pathline starts from the center of the facet, as shown in the figure below.

      the pathline is colored by stream function and it starts from inlet boundary in 1 and a rake in 2.

      stream function value means the mass rate of flow between the streamlines. shown in the second figure.

      This is a 2d axisymmetric case. in order to compare the block's impact on flow field

      is it possible to quantitatively compare the pathline, like force pathlines to be equal mass flow rate? or could you suggest a way to compare the recirculation zone?

      Another observation,  by comparing small block and large block pathline, see figure 3, the mass flow rate of stream function of large block is smaller. 

      does this make sense?

      and I sum the stream function up, and found the total value is larger than the value I set for inlet condition.

      how to interpret stream function value here?

      Thank you.


    • SRP
      Ansys Employee


      You can calculate the vorticity for the circulation.

      You can follow the forum to see how to plot: https://innovationspace.ansys.com/forum/forums/topic/how-can-i-plot-vorticity-contour-in-cfd-post/

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