LS Dyna

LS Dyna

Topics related to LS-DYNA, Autodyn, Explicit STR and more.

part 1 undefined in initial velocity

    • Tim T

      I used "INITIAL_VELOCITY_GENERATION" to set the velocity for Part 1, but when I ran the calculation, LS-DYNA indicated that Part 1 was undefined in the initial velocity. How should I resolve this issue?The version of LS-PrePost I am using is 4.11.10, and the version of LS-DYNA is R14.1.

    • Tim T

    • Dennis Chen

      I think that error message is telling you exactly what went wrong.   I would load your input file into LSPP and check which part has the PID of 1 and make sure the STYP = 2 in the intiial_velocity_Generation. 

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