

Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.


    • guilherme.rodrigues

      I am simulating a heat sink inside a wind tunnel, where I aim to discretize the turbulent regime away from the fins and the laminar regime between the fins. I am attempting to discretize using the Boolean function within Design Modeler. The only object within the regimes is the heat sink. However, when performing the mesh, I am encountering overlapping issues.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Have you gone through the training/tutorials? Which bit is the fluid region, and how many volumes are you passing to Meshing?

    • guilherme.rodrigues

      Yes, I followed the tutorials and uploaded a photo below of the wind tunnel example. I know that the laminar region will start at the entry of the heat sink and end at the exit of the heat sink. What I want to understand is why it's giving overlapping (contextualizing). I am performing two Boolean operations (Tool - heat sink / Target - turbulent and laminar) and the second operation (Tool - laminar / Target - turbulent).

      For meshing, I am including all the volumes.

      What would the "bit" of the fluid be?

    • guilherme.rodrigues

      Here is the mesh photo. Until now, I have always been able to work with the Boolean function, but I don't know why I'm not able to execute it in this application.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Check what you're subtracting from where, you've got a grey and brown-ish volume that could be the wind tunnel so check you've not muddled up the volumes. 

    • guilherme.rodrigues

      So, I checked and I really can't identify what is overlapping. Could there be another way instead of using the Boolean command? Could it be because of the size?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      The error is in Meshing. Have you formed a multibody part? How did you assign the cell sizes (the mesh is awful)?

    • guilherme.rodrigues

      So, since I have a student license, I set the mesh size based on the number of elements that the license allows me. In this case, do you think that by reducing the element size in the heat sink region, I can solve this problem?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Possibly: the mesh you've generated doesn't look anywhere near suitable for a CFD calculation. 

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