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other bands in the example of tutorial EFC of photonic crystal

    • Karakilinc
      Dear groups members
      In the EFC tutorial example, only the first band was looked at. How should we change the script to obtain and see the EFC charts of other bands?
      How can we replace the color bar scale with the real frequency (or normalized frequency) scale? Or how do we adapt the color bar to the real frequency (or normalized frequency)?
      all the best...
      Ozgur Onder Karakilinc
    • Niki Papachristou
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Karakilinc,

      Thank you for posting on our forum!

      I think that if you want to calculate for another band structure, you will need to add parameter sweep to sweep over kx and ky, similar to as we have for planar-hex example: Bandstructure of planar photonic crystal with a square lattice (varFDTD).

      As for the color bar scale, I think this can be done by post prossecing your data. 

      I hope that was helpful, let me know if I can be of further assiatance.



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