General Mechanical

General Mechanical

Topics related to Mechanical Enterprise, Motion, Additive Print and more.

One body has 1 element and 2 directions/contact overlap

    • gambra77

      Hi everyone,

      1. Im trying to simulate one imported assembly from catia. Once imported the program made the contact regions. When i run it, it appears this info message and i dont know what to change.


      2. The program made al the contact regions and it says that they are overlaping, but doesn´t appear which one


      3. I dont see any stress or deformation in any body besides the one that the force is apply in, is this a import error or the other bodies dont suffer enough deformation and stress? Maybe the contacts are wrong (contact type)


      Thanks for any help


    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee


      Think the message is clear.

      Quite a few posts on this:

      Overlap contact posts

      Also this might help (contact).

      contact conv.

      All the best


      • gambra77


        Hi erik

        I´ve read the conversations but they dont comment anything about the body with 1 element and 2 directions. I dont know if this is the problem wich causes the force not going through other bodies .


        Thanks for the info because the overlapping apart is fixed!

        I dont know if its necessary but this is the body: the pin is suffering from stress but it stops there


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