General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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nonlinear adaptive region is not active

    • aviation.khademi

      Hello, i am doing a static structural simulation on flattening an omega shaped surface. After flattening i need to roll it also around a hub (in step 2). After flattening the mesh quality is not suitable for next step and even for first step it is not easy to converge (too many bisections that doesnt omit by increasing substeps). As it is a highly nonlinear problem , i need to remesh my model during simulation. but it seems that #nonlinear_adaptive_region feature is not active for me. Do i need any special licence for this feature ? i am using student version. 

      Thank you in advance!!

    • aviation.khademi

      🚩New update of my problem:

      My model's geometries are multiple surface bodies as you can see in image below. when i substitute it with a solid body, then the nonlinear adaptive region becomes active. now, the problem is that if this feature doesnt work for surface bodies , is the any substitutions to repair mesh between steps or even during simulation is running? 



    • Lydia Lymperopoulou
      Ansys Employee


      Unfortunately as you already obsreved Nonlinear Adaptive Region is not supported for surface bodies 5.1.1. Nonlinear Adaptive Region

      There is no alternative for surface bodies. 

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