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Non-uniform heat flux expression

    • Philip Lim


      I want to use non-uniform heat flux data as below. The data is heat flux collected every hour.

      Based on the equation, I changed my heat flux expression as follows. Because my time step size is 0.5 s, number of steps is 172800.

      Plus, the above data was collected hourly - that is how I came up with the equation below.



      However, it says the value is 35. 782 in kg/s^3. not in w/m^2

      Can anyone help me with this problem?

    • SRP
      Ansys Employee


      Both are same. It can be understood as if you replace 'W'=J/s=N.m/s=kg.m.m/s^3

      so W/m^2=kg.m.m/(m^2.s^3)=kg/s^3

      Hope this helps you.

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