General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Non Linear Analysis Taking Too Long Due to Bisection

    • Gabriel Coêlho

      Hello everyone,

      The analysis consistis of a static analysis with large deflection and material defined as:


      It seems my analysis is converging, but what is really strange is that it bisects even when the force is below the force criterion (see imagem below)

      The analysis settings are shown below:

      The maximum substeps has already been decreased to 10E-5 because higher values would not converge.

      Some of the warnings encontered on the solver history are as follows:

      What could be the reason for this bisecting? 

    • Aniket
      Forum Moderator

      Have you checked the displacement convergence as well? With the warning 'plasticity algorithm did not converge ...' the program will bisect the solution by reducing the load increment. If the bisection proceeds without problem the solution continues. This means that ANSYS does not store the results when the plasticity algorithm has not converged for integration points. Hence this means that as long as you can get a converged solution the results should be OK. (i.e. if you get nonconvergence that means incomplete results are present. However, any converged results should be fine.)


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    • Gabriel Coêlho


      So, how would you recommend avoiding those bisections? I have already increased the maximum substeps.


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