General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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nodal moment or force reaction in a tube with harmonic excitation

    • Christijaaan


      I have an easy system (s. fig.) which is a harmonic torsional excited water filled tube.

      Now I want to extract and average the nodal forces to calculate the torsional moment around the tube axis in a user defined cross-section (component, sliced like a salami :) ) in the pipe wall via APDL Postcommands. I tried the following but it didn't work out:


      direc_axial     = 'Y'
      direc_trans_1   = 'Z'
      direc_trans_2   = 'X'

      CMSEL,S,ebene !Auswahl der Ebene als Komponente
      *GET,n_nodes,NODE,,count !Anzahl der Knoten in der Ebene
      *DIM,calc_array,ARRAY,n_nodes,13 !Init Array für flächengewichtete R/Im des Drucks und der Fläche (n_nodes x 2)

      next_node = 0
      next_node = ndnext(next_node)

      calc_array(j,1) = ARNODE(next_node)

      !Rotation um Rohrachse
      r_abs = sqrt(r_trans1**2 + r_trans2**2) 
      u_rot = 1/r_abs*(-r_trans2*u_trans1 + r_trans1*u_trans2) !ACHTUNG: VZ in der Klammer ist entscheidend für die Phase
      calc_array(j,11) = u_rot*calc_array(j,1)
      !Moment um Rohrachse
      f_rot = 1/r_abs*(-r_trans2*f_trans1 + r_trans1*f_trans2)
      m_rot = f_rot*r_abs
      calc_array(j,13) = m_rot*calc_array(j,1)


      Actually it thought that this should be a hard task... but it turns out to be. Does anybody has some suggestions for an alternative workflow??



    • dlooman
      Ansys Employee

      A common, pretty easy way is to select a set of nodes at a cross-section and the elements on only one side of those nodes.  Then fsum, possibly in conjunction with spoint will give you the moment at that location.

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