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Need help with this simulation

    • shehlarao7207
      I have a system (Bottom electrode is Pt and top electrode is Cu and the medium between them is dielectric TnOx), when I am applying voltage (5V on the Cu electrode and 0V on the Pt electrode) the Cu^+ ion will move towards Pt through dielectric medium and neutralize and pile up on the Pt electrode and will make an cone shape that will ultimately touch the Cu electrode surface. Now the cone radius will gradually decrease as its close to Cu electrode, so then therefore there will be very only one or two Cu atoms Cu electrode because of high resistance, once this path will form the current will flow from it, I want to see the strength of electric field near the top of cone, the results should be “Very high electric field if the radius is small” therefore it will be very difficult to knock out or add more atoms there.
      I have investigated Poisson's equation and tried to apply boundary condition but my guess I am wrong, one of my friends also thinks same, there might be some discontinuity while checking the potential on the truncated cone. Is there a way I can simulate through ANSYS. 
      I would highly appreciate if someone can help. Thanks
    • Mrinmoy Bharadwaj
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Shehlarao7207, Kindly Explore Ansys Charge Plus for your requirement.

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