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Near Wall Pressure Gradients

    • puh69


      I notice a massive spike in my pressure derivatives close to the wall in my airfoil simulation and am looking for some direction to remove them. I believe this is unphysical and for the work I want to do from here, I need this to be accurate. My goal is to write a UDS where the pressure gradient is a source term and it'll have many issues near the wall if I employ the UDS with the current state of the flow solution.


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Can you show contours in that region, node values off. Is the above spike the cell or facet value?

    • puh69

      Hi Rob, 

      This is not a single value problem but occurs at many cells close to the wall and I've observed these artifiical gradients on various simulations. Attached is the contour in the region along with a closer look at the dp/dx behavior in those final cells. I've attached plora od both cell and nodal values.  Please note values are slightly different as I continue to work on this issue to find a solution but the problem remains regardless of the numerical approach.



    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Are you running single or double precision? How thick are those cells?

    • puh69

      DP always.

      Using TMR 0012 1793x513 grid which states minimum spacing at the wall of y=4 x 10-7

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Look very carefully at the near wall values. At that scale you may find the cell height (dx) to be so small that the gradient is  d(big number)/d(near enough zero) to give some noise. The solver gradients will be fine, it's the reporting I'd be checking. 

    • puh69

      Rob, I want to use the dp/dx and dp/dy terms as source terms in a UDS and when I do so these errors are significantly magnified. I understand that the margin of error increases with the reduction in the dx factor, but its also present in the dp/dy component too.





    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      You need to zoom in so we can see what's happening. 

    • puh69

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      And now the pressure & contours? 

    • puh69

      Hi Rob, 

      These look fine, but the devil is in the detail. If I put the dp/dx term as a source term of a UDS the value in the BL will blow up!


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      As I can't see the contours it's very hard to comment. Please plot with node values off and post here. 

    • puh69




    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Odd, how many cells are there in the unstable region? You may need to alter the colour map scale to improve clarity. 

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