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Natural Convection Cool Down Combustion Chamber Wall [Reversed Flow Issue]

    • Foo Sin Khai

      Hi there,

      I'm encountering an issue again and really need your assistance. Currently, I'm attempting to implement natural convection to cool down the combustion chamber wall. My approach involves defining a pressure inlet and pressure outlet, but I keep encountering a problem with reversed flow. I've tried various methods to resolve this issue, such as increasing the length of the domain to ensure the outlet and inlet are not too close.

      My orthogonal quality is around 0.3++, and skewness is 0.67, which seems acceptable. For the natural convection simulation, I've applied ideal gas settings for the density of air, with the operating pressure set to 101325 Pa. Gravity is enabled in the y direction with a value of -9.81, and the operating density is set to zero.

      I'm not sure where the issue lies with all these settings. Additionally, when I open the pathline for the coolant inlet, nothing is shown, indicating that no flow is visible. Do you have any insights into what might be causing this? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    • rixiu

      hi there, anybody can help? Any advice or suggestion will much appreciated...

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator


      Top tip, posting in multiple locations tends to result in annoyed Moderators. As does posting from two accounts. 

    • rixiu

      I apologize for the confusion. I mistakenly thought it was appropriate to post a new topic about natural convection. Please forgive the oversight.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      No worries, it's good when you've already asked in another thread, duplication is not good. 

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