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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Named_selection Fluent meshing


    • NawafM



      I faced a problem while using fluent meshing. I'm running an external Aerodynamics case.


      I named general named_selections of the CAD around 8 name_selections, the mesh was generated successfully and took around 5 min for surface mesh and 7 min for volume mesh.  


      When I further divide the same named selections  and generate a total of 25 name_selections of the CAD the mesh is taking a lot of time to be generated.


       Does anyone know why is this happening?



    • Federico
      Ansys Employee

      Time for mesh generation should not be affected by the number of named selections in your model. 

      Do you end up with the same number of cells in both mesh?

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