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Named Expression Syntax for TUI Script

    • robR_CFD

      Hello Amazing Fluent Friends,

      I use TUI scripts to set up cases for runs on a remote HPC.

      I would like to be able to use a named expression to control the flow velocity at the inlet.

      For example, varying the velocity with the Y-Axis coordinate - say velocity = "some constant" * Y-coord

      I have found the command:


      but I do not understand how to form the actual expression in the next step.

      Hopefully there is someone out there who can help!



    • Rob
      Forum Moderator
      Build a simple case locally and use that to experiment. Can you set up a model locally using the GUI and then send it to the cluster? TUI scripts are incredibly powerful but do require a higher level of experience to use well.
    • robR_CFD
      Hey Rob Thanks for the response. Not exactly what I am looking for.... I've been building TUI scripts for a while, just never had the need to handle named-expressions to cater for this sort of variability.
      I did some trawling last night and found knowledge resource #2060231.
      It has an example....
      You can use TUI commands within an ANSYS Fluent Journal File, e.g. to change the expression "uprof":
      Line 1: /define/named-expressions/edit "uprof" def "x / 1.0 [m]*2.0 [m s^-1]"
      so, when I get a chance to play later it looks like what I have been missing is to have the "def" switch and enclose the statement in quotes.
      Once I get my research project finished I'm thinking I'll create a TUI tips and hacks page to bridge the gaps on the magic.... Cheers

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator
      Sounds good, thank you. We'll check it, and it'll give me something else to prod the back end team with for a solutions/publications section.
    • robR_CFD
      Hey rob def did the trick.
      a few examples in the back of the tui manual would be helpful!
    • Rob
      Forum Moderator
      There is a short lecture on the ALH too - I wrote it!
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