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General Mechanical

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My Solutions Always Fail

    • Barbaros DeÄŸerli

      Hi, im having a problem with the solution. the error as below, what might be the problem?

      Resources file 'D:\ANSYSACADEMICSTUDENT_2024R2.1WINX64\ANSYS Inc\ANSYS 
       Student\v242\CommonFiles\Language\/fx0.msb' not found.                 
       Inc\ANSYS Student\v242\CommonFiles\Language\                           

    • peteroznewman

      Is this the first time you solved a model after installation of this version or have other prior models solved successfully on this version?

    • Nanda Veralla
      Ansys Employee


      Hello Barbaros,

      To add to Peter’s comments, can you also check if the file fx0.msb exists in the directory D:\ANSYSACADEMICSTUDENT_2024R2.1WINX64\ANSYS Inc\ANSYS Student\v242\CommonFiles\Language\. If it is missing, that is likely the cause of the error.

      If the file is missing, you can try creating a new directory as suggested in the below forum thread, and then copy the file from another installation of Ansys or a backup if available. This approach has reportedly resolved similar issues for other users.

      Please try this and let us know if the issue persists:
      Got some errors on running Ansys Mechanical



      If you are not able to open Ansys help links, refer to this forum discussion: How to access the ANSYS Online Help

      Also, we launched a public help documentation website: Ansys Help

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