January 11, 2024 at 9:43 am
SubscriberHello, I'd like to create a path made of several points so that it follows a precise shape and direction instead of it being a straight line with only two points defining it (start and end coordinates). I know it can be done with APDL commands but I'd like to do it through the Mechanical Scripting itnerface.
Does anyone know how to do that? -
January 11, 2024 at 10:30 am
Erik Kostson
Ansys EmployeeÂ
Whataver you do manually in Mechanical (create paths say using points or edges, etc), we can do with scritping also. So scripting basically automates anything done manually & repeatedly in the Mech. UI.
So if you can create the paths manually using the edge,two points or x axis intersect options (these are the only ones available in mechanical), we can also use scripting to do the same.
All the best
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