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Multiphase with different phase zone condition

    • Nawaf Rasheed


      I'm multiphase model with different zone condition:

      1- Solid 

      2- Phase 1 (water liquid on fluid wick)

      3- Mixture (on vapor)

      Everytime when I change phase condition on one Fluid Zone, the other Fluid Zone phase changed aotumatically to the same type

      Why? and how can I have different phase condition on the same model?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      I suspect you've misunderstood the set up. A solid zone is "solid" so isn't flowing, only conduction is solved. In the multiphase model(s) the fluid zone will have mixture, phase-1, phase-2..... phase-n options in the zone. We typically don't need to alter anything in the fluid cell zone panel. You will need to initialise & patch (plus boundary conditions) to set the phase values. Have a look at the various tutorials in Help & Learning. 

      • Nawaf Rasheed

        Thank you Rob for your response

        I did watch totirals, so the only way the setup different zones is by initialization + patch?

        I'm going to explain my situation more.

        After I initialize and patch the model as shown in a picture, but when I solve the problem phases get mixed with each other. The phase change sould be happening in mixture zone only (small layer between wick and vapor region).


        How can I achieve the previous condition 


        Again Thank you Rob for continuous support 

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Initial conditions are just that, a starting point. In your model, if you have porous media as part of the heat pipe I might initialise as all gas/liquid and then patch the porous/open regions as liquid/gas respectively depending the total mass of material in the device. Note, you will need a compressible gas and these models are NOT trivial - I'd be working with another colleague for this sort of problem as there are several aspects that may require a better theoretical knowledge of the code. That level of assistance is well beyond what we can cover on the Forum. 

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