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Multiphase model

    • Loy G

      I simulated water flow and valve behavior in a pipe using the multiphase model in Ansys Fluent. I encountered an error (floating point exception) at 56% (20 hours into the simulation). If I change my input velocity from 2 m/s to 10 m/s while keeping the current setup the same (including the time step size), will there be any changes, and what effect will that have? Will I be able to run it successfully without error? Thanks

    • Nilay Pedram
      Forum Moderator

      To address the floating point exception error, you might need to refine your mesh, adjust your time step size, or review your boundary conditions and solver settings. It's not guaranteed that simply increasing the input velocity will allow you to run the simulation successfully without error. Moreover, a higher velocity will affect the Reynolds number, which in turn can impact the turbulence and stability of the flow. This could potentially lead to more convergence difficulties.
      Please refer to Fluent Users Guide for more information - Chapter 25: Modeling Multiphase Flows (ansys.com)
      If you are not able to access the link, refer to this forum discussion: How to access the ANSYS Online Help

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