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Modelling absorptive silencers

    • noycepm

      Hi there, I am currenlty undertaking a project in which I need to design a parallel baffle silencer for a gas turbine. I am trying to use ANSYS to model the attenuation of the silencer but am not sure how I would setup this simulation.

      The baffles themselves contain an absorptive material which transfers acoustic energy to thermal energy which is the key element to be able to model and measure. I have the acoustic emissions from the gas turbine which I assume could be used as some input somewhere. Along with this, being able to setup some microphones downstream and upstream of the baffles to see the reduction in noise out of the stack.

      Please let me know if you need anymore information.

    • Federico
      Ansys Employee


      are you only interested in the attenuation of the acoustic energy? If so, Fluent allows you to set up impedance boundary conditions 7.7. Boundary Acoustic Wave Models. Read through the link to understand the requirements, limitations and see if it applies to your case.

      Depending on which acoustics model you use, you can set up point monitors or microphones (for FW-H), to measure the effects of the silencer.

      • noycepm

        Not only that, I would also like to be able to measure the temperature of the absorptive material as it absorbs the acoustic energy. But thank you for the reply, I will have a look at what you've linked me.

      • noycepm

        Hi there, so I am unable to make the impedance boundary condition option appear. From what it seems I have the correct setup but there is no impedence option on any of my boundaries. I also do not have the FW-H option for acoustics, again what do I need to enable to make that an option? If I get this working, my next thought would be the incident acoustics, from my inlet I would like to be able to input some acoustic emissions as I have the fequency decibel data directly from the gas turbine? 

        • Federico
          Ansys Employee

          What type of license do you have? Acoustics model require a Premium or Enterprise level license: 1.2. Program Capabilities

        • noycepm

          I am running on a student license, I think I managed to make the FW-H option appear on one of my models but I cannot remember what allowed that.

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