Process Integration and Design Optimization

Process Integration and Design Optimization

Modeling of phase change material freezing of water

    • Ata Sabra


      I am trying to model a phase change material. In order to do this I have to model the freezing or solidification of water and check if the temprature of water remain constant during the freezing/solidification. 

      I saw an example here lesson 4: phase change and enthalpy. The following link:  /courses/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2020/05/Lesson-4-Phase-change-and-enthalpy.pdf. 

      In this example they did a simulation of freezing of water with Ansys Mechanical as a thermal- transient analysis (not fluent!), however in all exmples and video tutorial I see on youtube, they use Ansys fluent to simulate a pcm- material. 

      My question is: 

      can I use for this model a thermal transient analysis (Ansys Mechanical) instead of using ansys fluent because it would be easier for me to work in Ansys mechanical. I tryed to do the simulation as it shown in the example (lesson 4 above) and it seems that the definition of enthalpy werent taken in considration. would you help me here please. 


      Thank you in adavnced. 

    • dlooman
      Ansys Employee

      Duplicate.  Replied to previous post.

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