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Mode Source and Metal BC

    • 2202283154

      Why use metal boundary and mode source when simulating graphene plasma switch. Under what circumstances do you need to use metal boundary and mode source?Expect a reply.

    • Dev
      Ansys Employee



      The mode source has a limited size, which is why it utilizes PML or, in some cases, PEC. Sources require appropriate boundary conditions to adhere to physical principles. For instance, a plane wave is infinite in extent, so periodic boundary conditions (BC) or symmetry-type BCs, such as PEC/PMC in specific cases, are applied on both sides.

      It’s important to note that for mode sources (and Gaussian sources), their geometric size can be as large as the simulation domain. This is because the mode properties define and control the physical size of the source.

      This articles give more insight:

      Mode source - Mode analysis - Simulation Object – Ansys Optics

      Starting with metal BCs in FDE simulations – Ansys Optics



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