General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Modal Analysis- what is the purpose of Environmental Temperature


      During modal Analysis in the settings under options, there is Environmental temperature.

      Intuitively, I would expect this temperature to affect the natural frequencies since they affect the material properties that are proportional to the eigenvalues, but nothing changes when I change the temperature.  

      My question then is:

      What does this environmental temperature do.


    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee






      It does as you described (accounts for temp., on material properties). But not as you say it '  I would expect this temperature to affect the natural frequencies since they affect the material properties that are proportional to the eigenvalues'.

      The temperature can effect the material properties, e.g., Young's modulus (most common), and the Young's modulus is related and has an effect on the natural frequency of solid structure with that Young's mod.

      Now for it (temp. effect on material properties->effect on frequencies) to work of course you need to have in Engineering data, material properties that are temp. dependent (say Young’s mod.). For instance:

      Temp: 22    200000000000  Pa  0.3
      Temp: 100    100000000000 Pa   0.3

      So if we set the env. temp. in modal analysis to 100 deg. C., then it will use the second row shown above, and if set to 22 the first row.

      All the best







      Hi Erik 


      Thank you so much. Your response was very clear and concise.

      If I could follow up with a question. How can I parameterise my material properties (particularly young modulus) in Ansys mechanical?

      I would be grateful if you could provide any resources and insights.

      Thank you

    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee



      happy it helps.

      If you refer to how to define such a table (Temp: 22    200000000000  Pa  0.3
      Temp: 100    100000000000 Pa   0.3)

      in Engineering data, then the below shows some screenshots of that:


      If it is about making a parameter, then I will create a new post (see below), so we can close this one here as others might find your initial question interesting and the answers helpful.



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