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General Mechanical

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Modal Analysis Stiffness Matrix from Student Version of Ansys

    • blmcdona


      I am analyzing a steel pipeline in Ansys modal, using a student version license.  At the end of the analysis, I have APDL commands to write the stiffness matrix as a .txt file.  Unfortunately, though, the stiffness matrix is not being written when I run the analysis.  Does Ansys Student support stiffness matrices?

      Thank you and best wishes,


    • Prapatsorn chomsree

      To Brandon

      I wrote APDL commad "EMATWRITE YES" to get stiffness matrix then selecte "No" as below.

      You will get .emat file then you can convert .txt file as you want.


      Prapatsorn chomsree

    • blmcdona

      I wrote the following code in the APDL commands:

      ! Define the output file name
      *SET, FileName, 'C:\Users\brand\Documents\CIE 516\Term Project\stiffness_matrix.txt'
      ! Export the global stiffness matrix
      ematwrite, FileName
      However, the .emat file is not being created.  Is this feature supported in the student version?
    • Stella Peloni
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Brandon,

      Please set the Delete Unneeded Files to No, and The Future Analysis to MSUP Analysis in the Analysis Data Mangement. Then, under the Modal Analysis, insert a command object and write : EMATWRITE, YES. 

      Kind Regards,


    • blmcdona

      Thank you for your reply.  I made the recommended changes, but the stiffness matrix is still not being written.  This is the code I used:

      ematwrite, 'stiffness_matrix.txt' , 'yes'

      Where the command is located in the "Modal" part of the project tree, rather than in the "solution" branch.  Is the command correct, or is the placement of this command object wrong?

    • Prapatsorn chomsree

      Dear Bandon

      Please try this command


      Prapatsorn chomsree

    • blmcdona

      I have done that, but it is not being exported.  How do I make Ansys write the stiffness to a .txt file?

    • blmcdona

      I am using the Student Version of Ansys.  Is the "ematwrite,yes" command supported with this software version?

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