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Metallic materials : price caraterization

    • e.risaliti


      in the "Price" notes it is written that "With the exception of ceramics, metal matrix composites and foams/honeycombs, the quoted price is that of the material precursors used in the shaping/forming process. For example, the price quoted for 'Aluminum, 7075, wrought, T6' represents the price of billet used at the start of the manufacturing process and does not include the price of rolling/forging or heat treatment."
      It is also mentioned in the table that the forms considered for wrought materials are Billets/ingots/cathodes. If instead I had coils for processing with sheets as a precursor, how should I proceed to correct the costs?
      What if I had slabs as  precursors instead?
      Furthermore, taking the example of Aluminum, 7075, wrought, T6, this undergoes a hardening treatment which, however, is not mentioned in the Surface Treatments. 
      How can I correct material costs?
    • Deepak
      Ansys Employee

      Need to consider the additional processing steps and the cost differences associated with other processes. Since the price for ‘Aluminum, 7075, wrought, T6’ as quoted is based on billet material, you would need to obtain market prices or supplier quotes for coils or slabs to determine the cost difference. Then, add this cost difference to the base material cost to get a more accurate cost estimation.

      For guidance on manufacturing processes and cost modeling, Ansys Granta EduPack offers resources that might help you understand how costs influence the choice of materials and processes.Manufacturing Processes and Cost Modeling in Ansys Granta EduPack


      • e.risaliti
        thanks for your reply. 
        I also wanted to know about the tempering and quenching processes. 
        Should I proceed the same way for this too?
        Are there any software updates planned to address these gaps?
        • Deepak
          Ansys Employee

          Yes, we need to follow the same process for tempering and quenching processes.

           We will share your idea/input with the product development team.



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