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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Meshing Parts Separately For Large Models

    • naderbluastrike

      Hi, I am a mechanical engineering student a part of a group of students, we are working on a project that involves refrigeration cycle modeling and simulation, I am recently facing a problem while meshing the evaporative condenser geometry using fluent its Decsa evaporative-condenser, the problem is that Fluent needs tons of Ram to finish the volume mesh, so I have got an idea of could I mesh each part separately? I have some YouTube tutorials where the instructor is meshing the geometry in ansys mechanical each part separately, is it possible?

      If someone could help and needs more information, I would happily share it.

    • Federico
      Ansys Employee


      yes, you can do this, but you will end up with non-conformal interfaces at the mesh connections. See 6.12. Modifying the Mesh to learn how to append a mesh to a Fluent case setup.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Just a warning, if you're going to modelling phase change and are stuggling for RAM to mesh, do you have the hardware & licences available for the potentially very big model and very long run times?

      • naderbluastrike

        Well, as you see I have a problem with my RAM I have 32 GB DRR4 RAM, with 4 cores and 8 threads CPU. How do I know that its that big model which needs those licenses?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      With 32GB you're looking at 10-15 million cells, but with only 4 cores (don't use hyper threading) that's going to be pretty slow. I try and avoid loading more than 1-2M cells on a core if I want a fully converged solution, but equally I don't know how patient you are. 

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