October 17, 2024 at 11:20 pm
SubscriberWhen I try to mesh my geometry, there are warning messages saying "One or more faces with map mesh controls failed to be mapped mesh" and the top right mesh doesn't work. I tried to mesh the face and edges separately, removed the bias, checked for edge errors, and updated the mesh and it still didn't work.
October 18, 2024 at 9:06 am
Ansys EmployeeHey,
Can you try generating a mesh with default settings and check whether its able to generate a mesh.
The mesh generation is failing due to the errors and not the warning you have mentioned. The mesh quality seems to be bad so solver does not continue to generate a mesh. Try changing the settings you have defined to generate a mesh. If you want to ignore that and continue, try turning the check mesh quality in mesh settings to NO. But the results might not be reliable due to poor quality mesh after turning it to NO.
Let me know how it works out.
October 18, 2024 at 10:52 pm
SubscriberI tried turning off the Check Mesh Quality setting and it did not work. I am following a YouTube tutorial for creating the mesh which had no errors, so I didn’t change the settings. I am a high school student, and this is my first time using Fluent. If I were to change the settings, what would I specifically change?
October 19, 2024 at 4:11 am
Ansys EmployeeHey,
If its a flent related question i would suggest you to post the query in fluent channel for more visibility Fluids (ansys.com). This channel is to discuss topics on mechanical and APDL.
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