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Mesh Interface to Coupled wall

    • kashfia.mahin

      I have created geometry in Solidworks and transferred it to Designmodeler.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator
      If you've already got contact_region_100 picked what are you setting?
    • kashfia.mahin
      Thanks for your reply.
      even I choose the name contact region 100 and I want to set it to be the coupled wall, it is showing the same error.
    • Rob
      Forum Moderator
      Which version are you using? If you pick the interface pair and pick coupled wall but don't press create does the option stick? We've changed the panels over the last few releases so it's more automated but then marginally more difficult to alter afterwards.
    • kashfia.mahin
      I am using ansys 16.2 professional. the Interface pair is automatically created. I can't change anything manually. when I wanna change it manually, the software doesn't let me do it.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator
      The auto create functions weren't always reliable in older versions so I'd suggest either updating (2021R2 is v22.2 in old terms) or manually creating the interface zones. I would expect you to be able to pick the interface label and change settings though.
    • kashfia.mahin
      Sir, I have a question. How to pick the interface label and change settings?
    • Rob
      Forum Moderator
      You have it selected above, just pick the coupled wall and then move onto the next label in the list. Then go back to the first to check the change was retained.
    • Syed MustafaKhadri

      Iam using ANSYS V16.0.  I too have similar issue. I want to create interface zones manually.  After picking coupled wall option, i said create. Then it is showing error: Please specify name for interface in Mesh Interface field. Please let me know, how to sort it out. Thank You Sir.

    • Syed MustafaKhadri

      and also please  show how to change the settings.Tq sir

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