General Mechanical

General Mechanical

Topics related to Mechanical Enterprise, Motion, Additive Print and more.

    • castrohenrique0208
      Hello, everyone. 
      I'm having trouble improving my mesh. I'm sending you the parameters of my mesh. Any suggestions are welcome. 
      Can anyone help? 
      I have two bodies with share topology. 
    • SaiD
      Ansys Employee

      Hello, I am unable to see any mesh parameters or any description or images of the problem. Please add them to the post so that forum users can help you out.

      • n2390n

        hi , here's the post I found in here, can u do more explain in hex mesh? 
        cuz Im have a little bit problem here...


        when i do hex mesh there's always broke workbench, and i need to reopen it.

        big thx 



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