LS Dyna

LS Dyna

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How to simulate shear processing in LS-DYNA

    • b1910151

      Hello, I am trying to reproduce a shearing process in a simulation. I am a beginner in analysis and this is my first post.

      I am trying to reproduce a shearing process in a simulation, but the punch bites into the sheet and I can't simulate it properly. The formulation type is 15 axisymmetric solid elements (𝑦 axis of symmetry in the 𝑥-𝑦 plane). Please tell me how to prevent it from biting.
      Please let me know the solut

      Here's an analysis of a punch that failed and bit into the sheet.

      Contact Conditions.ion.Automatic remesh condition.

    • b1910151


      I forgot to post a picture of the analysis results, so I’ll add it and post it here(I realized I could edit it later and put it above.)

      Photographs of analysis results


    • jingyeqian
      1. Improper contact setup, try to increase the stiffness of penalty.
      2. Reduce the TSSFAC in CONTROL_TIMESTEP.
      3. Set the appropriate value of the shear strain of the element deletion in MAT_ADD_EROSION.
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