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Maxwell RMxprt Crashing

    • j.p.newton2



      When myself or my colleagues try and assign a rotor steel type in RMxprt, the following error message appears and once the error file has been saved the whole program crashes. Any advice would be much appreciated.

    • Timos
      Ansys Employee

      Hello, the issue will be fixed in next release (25R1). As a workaround you can File>Open Examples>RMxprt>assm and pick an already defind model. Then change the parameters but do not change the rotor material so that it won't crash. Then you can create the Maxwell design and change manually the material. If you are only interested in acquiring the RMxprt analytical results and not proceeding with FEA, I am afraid that there is no way of modifying to the desired material so the results will be a bit off. 
      I hope this helps!

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