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Maxwell 3D linear oscillatory machine

    • matus.hornik


      I am simulating a linear oscillating machine. My problem is how can I simulate movement of the machine during whole period. Whole period means movement in z-axis in one direction then in opposite direction. 

      Now I do it that I simulate one direction with half period of AC current, then I do it again in opposite direction with second period of current. Not only does this take a long time, and I have to do figures in 3rd-order software, but there is a possibility that the results in the second direction are not correct. 

      Is there a way to make the direction change automatic, or to set exact values of the movement in the transient simulation? 

      I want to get results like this. Force in motion in both directions. The motion is not symmetrical. 

      I will be thankfull for any input. 

    • GLUO
      Ansys Employee


      You can use mechanical transient, or use a function of time as speed, or use a dataset pwl(dataset,time) as speed. 


    • matus.hornik

      Thank you, I did it through the dataset. Working really well, exactly what I needed. Thanks.

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