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MAXWELL 2D: BH Curve Data = Virgin Curve or Initial Magnetization Curve

    • Bishwas Basnet

      Hi, I have noticed that while chooing BH data from tab file it is madatory that first point value is ZERO for both B and H. Does this mean we need to use Virgin curve or Intial magnetization data of BH rather than usual hysteresis test data? 

    • MirandaH
      Ansys Employee
      Hello, hysteresis BH curve could be used, which solver are you using?
    • Bishwas Basnet

      I am using magnetostatic solver.

      • MirandaH
        Ansys Employee

        Transient solver will allow using hysteresis (descending HB half curve+Kc)

        • Descending limiting branch of hysteresis loop + Kc
        • Recommend BH curve ± 3T maximum
        • Start and end points: (-B,-H) and (B,H)

      • MirandaH
        Ansys Employee

        Transient solver will allow using hysteresis (descending HB half curve+Kc)

        • Descending limiting branch of hysteresis loop + Kc
        • Recommend BH curve ± 3T maximum
        • Start and end points: (-B,-H) and (B,H)

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