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MAT072R3- concrete damage rel3 validation

    • ashes.pkk

      Hello Everyone,

      In the past I have validated RCC structures using *MAT159-CSCM but I am looking to validate a concrete model using MAT072R3 because I can see a lot of research where Fiber reinfroced concrete has been studied using this model.

      At first to validate the normal reinforced concrete, I used autogeneration feature to generate all the parameters and also EOS for this material but the impact force is still 2500KN higher than the validated *MAT159-cscm.

      Is there any research paper or material where this material has been validatated ? I am looking for some direction.



      Ashesh Pokhrel


    • Pedram Samadian
      Ansys Employee


      Thanks for contacting us. Please check out the following sources, which compare *MAT_159-CSCM and *MAT_072R3 in different applications:

      1- Tan Jor Yi, Comparative FE Study between MAT159 and MAT072R3 for Concrete Behaviour Modelling under Quasi-static Loading in LS-DYNA, B.Sc. thesis, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, 2016. (1. Final Dissertation.pdf)

      2- Y. Wu, J. E. Crawford, J. M. Magallanes, Performance of LS-DYNA® Concrete Constitutive Models, 12th International LS-DYNA Users Conference, Detroit, USA, 2012. (constitutivemodeling05-a.pdf)

      3- B. Terranova, A. Whittaker, L. Schwer, Benchmarking Concrete Material Models Using the SPH Formulation in LS-DYNA®, 15th International LS-DYNA® Users Conference, Detroit, USA, 2018. (benchmarking-concrete-material-models-using-the-sph-formulation-in-ls-dyna-r.pdf)

      4- L. E. Schwer, L. J. Malvar, Simplified Concrete Modeling with *MAT_CONCRETE_DAMAGE_REL3, 4th German LS-DYNA Forum, Bamberg, Germany, October, 2005. (Microsoft Word - Schwer-Malvar-Mat72R3-JRI2005.doc)

      5- J. M. Magallanes, Y. Wu, L. J. Malvar, J. E. Crawford, Recent Improvements to Release III of the K&C Concrete Model, 11th International LS-DYNA Users Conference, Detroit, USA, 2010. (Copyright © 2010 Livermore Software Technology Corp. ( 11th Int'l LS-DYNA® Users Conf. - Dearborn, MI, USA - June 6-8, 2010))

      I hope these are helpful.






    • fahad.butt

      Are there any tutorials available on how to use these material models? I only have access to CONC35 and CONC140. How do I change to these materials?

    • Pedram Samadian
      Ansys Employee


      Please check the LS-DYNA Theory Manual and Keyword User's Manual Vol. 2 accessible at LSDYNA Manuals to get infromation about different material models in LS-DYNA.



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