

Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Mass of Particle Released

    • DXS200048

      When I release 10,000 particles with diameter 1.7 microns the following appears on console: Density of particle is 1000kg/m^3. How did the fluent calculated mass? The mass that I calculated for 1.7 micron particle is 2.57e-15 m^3.

      Injecting 10000 particle parcels with mass 7.77578e-11 at t = 0

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Read up on Parcel Theory. Fluent reports "particle" in many places but means "parcel", the terms were muddled in about Fluent 4 when the DPM model was first developed and the terms are now so embedded in user's minds that it's not likely to change. 

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