General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Mapping of external stresses from Mechanical to Rocky


    • Dayana Behrens


      I want to export stresses from mesh in Mechanical and map these onto a set of DEM particles in Ansys Rocky. Any ideas?

      Best regards


    • Lucas Bertollo Baggio
      Ansys Employee



      It is only possible to analyze the influences of particles in structures (1-way coupling, as done in Rocky tutorials 12 and 15) nowadays, and not from structures in particles. The 2-way coupling for FEA-DEM is a demand for Rocky and is on track for the future. 


      Kind regards,


      • Dayana Behrens

        Hi Lucas,

        nontheless, it should be possible to modify certain particle properties e.g. velocity, forces... in Rocky by assesing their pointer such as a group of particle can get a cetrain force. This is for example possible in many DEM enviroments such as PFC, Lammps etc. Any idea to modify particle properties by Python shell or Solver C++?

        Thanks a lot

        • Lucas Bertollo Baggio
          Ansys Employee

          Hello Dayana,


          You can go to Rocky Menu | Help | Manuals | API:Solver Manual to check the available hooks for building a custom module in order to modify your simulation physics. 

          If you don't know how to compile a custom module yet, check Rocky Tutorial 23. 



    • Dayana Behrens

      Thank you very much 

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