General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Mapping material data youngs Modulus and poisson’s ratio from csv file

    • jins


      I am conducting a static structural simulation in ansys mechanical. I have a csv data file with x,y,z coordinates, youngs modulus and poisson's ratio. I have a simulation model with a finer mesh (i.e., interpolation needs to be done to get the corresponding material properties in other nodes). How can I map this material properties from the coarser mesh model to this finer mesh model? I tried using "External Data" system module present in Ansys workbench. However, there is no option in the drop-down menu for selecting youngs modulus and poisson's ratio as column data types. Can anyone please help me?

    • Ashish Khemka
      Forum Moderator


      You may try writing a code - selecting the elements by location and then defining the relevant Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio (using MP and MPCHG commands).

      User defined result with the PNUMMAT expression


      Ashish Khemka


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