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Magnified icons in CFDPost

    • scabo


      I am opening cfdpost on my uni hpc. But all the icons on the top bar are coming magnified. I have checked the screen resolution and the scaling. They are both in recommended. And all the other apps are working fine. I have attached a screenshot. What could be the issue? Thanks.

    • CFD_Friend
      Ansys Employee



      Try adjusting the DPI settings specifically for CFD-Post:
      Right-click on the CFD-Post application or its shortcut.
      Go to Properties → Compatibility tab. In the settings section, you will find 'Change high DPI settings'.
      Check the option 'Override high DPI scaling behavior' and set it to 'Application'.
      Apply the changes and restart the application.

    • scabo

      Hi, thanks but i am opening CFDPost directly from command terminal of my HPC. So there is no Properties tab or i cannot right click on it as such. It opens by command..

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