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LS Dyna

LS Dyna

Topics related to LS-DYNA, Autodyn, Explicit STR and more.

LS Dyna MPP double precision solver

    • Atish Gawale


      I am running simulation with mpp d r14.0 LS-Dyna solver using open MPI platform on HPC. I specified NCPU 128, but when I check my output file it shows 

      MPI execution with 1 procs. Can you please help to resolve this query?



    • igandiko
      Ansys Employee

      NCPU is used for SMP and Hybrid solvers. The correct command to run MPP LS-DYNA is,

      /path/mpirun -np 128 /path/ls-dyna.exe i= input.k

      If 128 MPI ranks are on different hosts, you may need a file with a list of hosts. Please see here for more information (https://ftp.lstc.com/anonymous/outgoing/support/FAQ/mpp.getting_started). 


    • Atish Gawale


      I am running fluid analysis using CESE solver.

      I am able to use higher processor now. I ran with 16 processors and I get following error.

      With MPP_D and 1 processor there is no error. with higher processors I get following error.


      No elements with calculated timesteps
             1 t 0.0000E+00 dt 2.22E-09 flush i/o buffers            08/21/24 13:46:17
             1 t 0.0000E+00 dt 2.22E-09 write d3plot file            08/21/24 13:46:17
       *** Error 100116 (CESE+116) (processor # 0)
             20959704 errors detected in CESE solver during step = 1
       *** Error 100117 (CESE+117) (processor # 0)
                    1 of these CESE solver errors detected on processor # 0
       *** Error 100118 (CESE+118) (processor # 0)
           Errors detected in CESE solver integration step.
           Please check each processor's message file for details.
       When error termination was triggered, this processor was
       past the output routines
      mes0001 - to mes 0015 i got following error.
      No elements with calculated timesteps
       *** Error 150209 (CHEM+209)
           Chemistry EOS nonlinear temperature solver failed to converge.
           Error code = 50 Last iterate temperature = NaN
      Do I need to include any control cards for MPP (*CONTROL_MPP_XXXXX)? 
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