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Low CPU Usage In HFSS

    • Le_Potate


      I'm having an issue with HFSS only using half of the available CPU core during a solve. System:

      AMD 9684X - 96 Core, SMT - Off, NPS - 4.

      12x128gb DDR5 4800mhz

      4x 2tb PCIe 5.0 NVMe in RAID 0 for temp directory

      500+ available Workgoup licenses

      Ansys 2024R2

      Windows Server 2022

      The system is set to use 96 cores, but during adaptive meshing and frequency sweep only 48 cores are used. If I set 192 cores under HPC options, all 96 cores are used. It's as if HFSS doesn't recognize that SMT is off. I'm not an expert Ansys user, simply the one who deployed the system, so any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    • Aymen Mzoughi
      Ansys Employee

      Set the HPC option to "Auto" and let HFSS automatically choose the adequate ressources for the given simulation

    • Le_Potate

      Is there any more detail you could give one this? This behavior happens with automatic settings applied. It seems like HFSS would use more than half of the cpu if its available?

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