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Looking for Example Custom Materials Source Code

    • nathaniel.j.karom


      I'm looking to simulate two-photon absorption in SiC via implementing a custom material model that includes an imaginary Chi3 term. I'm relatively new to C++ programming, and I was wondering if there are any example custom materials I can start with (for instance, the Chi2/Chi3 model). I can't seem to find the actual source code for any custom materials online...

    • Dimitris Polyzos
      Ansys Employee


      I will be happy to help you with your query. For start, two photon absorption is a non linear phenomena and I reckon that you need to use a chi3 model, as you correctly mentioned. There are a couple of material models using this  such as: Advanced and custom optical material models in FDTD and MODE and Flexible Material Plugin Framework. Please keep in mind that non linear simulations can be quite tricky to setup. 

      Some application examples that use non linear materials can be found here: Nonlinear-optics-list-of-examples

      I hope I helped.

      Kidn regards


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