We have an exciting announcement about badges coming in May 2025. Until then, we will temporarily stop issuing new badges for course completions and certifications. However, all completions will be recorded and fulfilled after May 2025.
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Linux install of 2020R2 ansysedt “Waiting for License server to respond” License server upgrade brok

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    • rgilmore
      After license server and license files were upgraded in January, 2021 on our network to support the new license file format for 2021R1 the installation of 2020R2 HFSS, ansysedt, Electronic Desktop fails to start with the following Security Message error:Failover feature 'ANSYS electronics_desktop' specified in license preferences is not available. Ansys Fluids:fluent still works fine.nI tried to update just the shared_files folder from the 2021R1 install files and with no change. And again Fluent still works fine.nIs there another client side license software that needs updating for AnsysEM to find the new licensing software?n
    • ANSYS_MMadore
      Ansys Employee
      I'm reaching out directly on this request.n
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